Getting Kids Moving: Pediatric Physical Therapy

Physical therapists don’t just help adults recover from injuries. Pediatric physical therapists are
specially trained to help children of all ages overcome challenges and reach their full potential.
Whether your child has a developmental delay, a sports injury, or a chronic condition, a PT can
create a fun and effective program to get them moving.

How PT for Kids Works
Unlike a typical doctor’s visit, pediatric PT sessions are all about play! Therapists use games,
activities, and exercises tailored to your child’s needs and interests. This might involve:

Building Strength and Coordination: Using fun exercises and activities like animal walks,
obstacle courses, and games, PTs help children improve their balance, agility, and muscle
control. This can be essential for everything from playing on the playground to keeping up
with friends.

Addressing Developmental Delays: Physical therapy can be a game-changer for children
who are experiencing delays in reaching milestones like rolling over, crawling, or walking.
Your PT will assess your child to identify the areas holding them back, and create a fun
program to help them develop the skills they need to progress.

Recovering from Injuries: Did your little athlete take a tumble? PTs can help kids heal from
sports injuries and surgeries. A PT will help your child restore strength and flexibility so they
can safely get back to their favorite activities.

Managing Chronic Conditions: Children with conditions like cerebral palsy or muscular
dystrophy can benefit from physical therapy to help manage their symptoms and improve
their overall function and well-being. A PT will assess your child to identify areas of strength
and areas that need improvement. They will then develop a program to help your child
maximize their strength, range of motion, coordination, and endurance. They’ll educate you
and your child on things you can work on at home. They can also help get your child any
needed equipment like wheelchairs, braces, or walkers.

Benefits Beyond Movement
Physical therapy isn’t just about physical health. While physical therapists play an important role
in promoting physical activity and health in kids, PTs can also help children with:

Self-Confidence: As kids gain strength, coordination, and independence, their confidence
soars. This can have a positive impact on all areas of their lives.

Pain Management: PTs can teach children techniques to manage pain and discomfort,
improving their overall quality of life.

Socialization: Gross motor skills help children participate in play and games with peers,
which help children develop social skills and build friendships.
If you think your child might benefit from physical therapy, talk to your pediatrician or
give your PT a call. They can assess your child’s needs and create a personalized plan to
help them reach their goals!

Finding Balance: Dizziness and PT

Dizziness is common in people over 20 and it can be a big problem in your daily life. Feeling
unsteady, lightheaded, or like the room is spinning is alarming, and makes day to day tasks
difficult. The good news is that dizziness often has treatable causes, and your physical therapist can be the perfect person to help.

Understanding Dizziness

Dizziness isn’t a specific problem – it’s a symptom that can come from a lot of different issues. Feeling dizzy most commonly comes from issues with your inner ear, but it can also come from your vision, joint or muscle issues in your neck, migraines, changes in blood pressure, head injuries, or other neurological problems.

How Physical Therapists Help

To understand dizziness and how a PT can help, you have to know a little about how balance
works. Your brain uses information from your inner ears, your vision, and input from your joints about their position and movement to keep you balanced and stable. Typically all of this information paints the same picture for your brain. If your brain gets conflicting information – say your inner ear sends different information than vision and your joints – that often results in a feeling of dizziness, unsteadiness, or vertigo. Your physical therapist will ask questions about your history, then perform testing on all of the systems that help you stay balanced to figure out the cause of your dizziness.

Your treatment plan will vary depending on what your PT finds. Some typical examples include:

Exercises: Your PT may prescribe specific exercises to improve your balance, strengthen or
stretch specific muscles, or to help retrain your brain to interpret sensory information. These can include gaze stabilization exercises which help your eyes and inner ears work better together, habituation exercises that help your brain get used to different types of input, and balance training on different surfaces.

Canalith: repositioning maneuvers (CRM): If your dizziness is caused by benign
paroxysmal positional vertigo (BPPV), a specific type of inner ear problem, your therapist
may perform maneuvers to reposition tiny crystals within your ear canal, alleviating your
vertigo. They can also teach you how to do these at home.

Education: Your therapist will educate you about your condition, how to manage dizziness,
and exercises you can perform at home. They may also help you modify activities that cause
dizziness, or train you on ways to work through it. Dizziness doesn’t have to interfere with life. Physical therapists can help reduce your dizziness, improve your balance, lower your risk of falls, and improve your confidence in your daily activities.

Relief Through Movement

Physical Therapy for Chronic Pain

Chronic pain can be a debilitating condition, limiting your mobility and impacting your daily life. The CDC estimates that around 50 million Americans experience chronic pain, and 17 million have substantial reductions in activity because of pain. Beyond limiting activity or your ability to work, chronic pain has been linked to depression, Alzheimer’s disease, and substance abuse.

Chronic pain is complex. There’s no single intervention to treat it, but physical therapy should be part of the mix. Here’s why:

How PT Approaches Pain:
Physical therapy often provides relief that’s just as effective as medication but without the potential side effects. Here’s a breakdown of how PT tackles pain and its effectiveness:

Identify the Root Cause: PT goes a step further than medication that masks pain. Therapists assess your posture, muscle strength, flexibility, and joint mechanics to pinpoint the source of your discomfort.

Address the Underlying Issues: Based on the evaluation, PT focuses on strengthening weak muscles that support your joints, improving flexibility for a better range of motion, and correcting any imbalances or postural problems that might contribute to pain.

Use A Multi-Faceted Approach: A PT treatment plan will be customized based on the evaluation. In addition to therapeutic exercise, a PT might use various techniques. Examples include:
• Manual Therapy: PTs use massage, joint mobilization, and trigger point therapy to address muscle tension, improve circulation, and alleviate pain.
• Modalities: Techniques like ultrasound, heat therapy, or electrical stimulation can reduce inflammation, promote healing, and manage pain.
• Aquatic Therapy: A warm, therapeutic pool supports your body and joints while offering gentle resistance. This can often make it easier to start moving again after being in pain for an extended time.

Educate and Empower Patients: PTs equip you with the knowledge and tools to manage your pain independently. This might include learning a new exercise routine, how to modify activities, or how to modify your daily schedule when you’re feeling better (or worse) than normal.

It’s also becoming increasingly likely that you’ll learn how pain works. Research shows that combining pain education with physical therapy is an effective treatment.

If you’re struggling with chronic pain, call your physical therapist. They might have the key that will unlock a pain-free life.

1. Chronic Pain Among Adults — United States, 2019–2021 | MMWR (
2. The impact of combining pain education strategies with physical therapy interventions for patients with chronic pain: A systematic review and meta-analysis of randomized controlled trials, Physiotherapy Theory and Practice, 37:4, 461-472 DOI: 10.1080/09593985.2019.1633714
3. Preferred Communication Strategies Used by Physical Therapists in Chronic Pain Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis, Physical Therapy, Volume 102, Issue 9, September 2022, pzac081 Preferred Communication Strategies Used by Physical Therapists in Chronic Pain Rehabilitation: A Qualitative Systematic Review and Meta-Synthesis – PubMed (
4. The Influence of Cognitive Behavioral Therapy on Pain, Quality of Life, and Depression in Patients Receiving Physical Therapy for Chronic Low Back Pain: A Systematic Review

Spring into Action: Changes in Weather Change Your Activity Level

Spring is in the air, and that means more than just blooming flowers and chirping birds. It’s a natural nudge to shake off the winter blues and be more active. Research that looked at the seasonality of physical activity proves this is true. Across a wide variety of countries and populations, people are most active in the summer and less active in the winter.

Since it’s likely that your physical activity levels are starting to trend up, we wanted to give you a few fun ideas to try, and some tips on how to navigate the change.

Embrace the Great Outdoors:

Trade the treadmill for the trail: As the weather warms, escape the gym and head outside.
Explore nature with hikes, bike rides, or even a walk or jog around the park. Soaking up the
sunshine not only boosts your vitamin D levels but also enhances your mood and motivation.

Turn your park into your playground: Public parks offer tons of fitness opportunities. Utilize the equipment for bodyweight exercises, join a pick-up game of basketball, play around of disc golf, or find an outdoor fitness class.


Incorporate Seasonal Activities:

Get active with seasonal sports: Participating in spring sports leagues like volleyball, softball, pickleball or tennis is a fun and social way to get moving. You’ll meet new people while engaging in friendly competition and getting some exercise.
Cultivate your green thumb: Gardening is a surprisingly active hobby. Digging, planting, and tending to your garden provides a full-body workout while connecting you with nature.

Navigating The Changes

Spring clean your activity plan: Just like your home, your exercise routine might need a spring cleaning. Evaluate your current program, identify areas for improvement, and think about what new exercises or activities you’d like to add.
Don’t spring forward too fast: Spring is an exciting time with longer days, better weather and new opportunities. Don’t take on too much too fast. Injuries from overuse and overtraining start to get more common in our clinics when people ramp activity up too fast.
Celebrate your progress: Track your progress and acknowledge your achievements, no matter how small. This will keep you motivated and focused on your goals.

Spring is a season of growth. Let it be the catalyst for your own personal transformation. By embracing the outdoors, incorporating seasonal activities, and refreshing your routine, you can spring into action and experience the joy of a healthier and happier you.

If you’d like someone to evaluate your current plan or develop a new one for you, we’d be happy to help! And of course, we’re always here for aches and pains from too much too soon, or weekend warrior injuries from those spring sports.


1. Sex- and age-specific seasonal variations in physical activity among adults. Journal of Epidemiology & Community Health 2010;64:1010-1016.
2. Impact of Seasonality on Physical Activity: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health. 2022; 19(1):2.
3. The Effect of Season and Weather on Physical Activity: Systemic Review
4. Seasonal Rhythms and Exercise
5. Exercise Assessment and Prescription in Older Adults Webinar*2t7olk*_ga*MTEwNjIzMzg2MS4xNjgxODQyODcw*_ga_ZZJK74HXNR*MTY5NzIwMjg2OC4xMi4xLjE2OTcyMDI4ODEuNDcuMC4w&_ga=2.227565085.1495021570.1697197738-1106233861.1681842870
6. Exercise Attitudes

How Does Physical Therapy Benefit Children With Autism?

What Is Autism?

Autism, or autism spectrum disorder (ASD) describes a range of developmental conditions that affect how a person communicates, interacts, and behaves. ASD is called a spectrum disorder because the symptoms and severity can vary widely from one person to another.

Typical signs and symptoms of autism include:

• Having difficulty with communication and social interaction
• Restricted or repetitive patterns of behavior such as repeating words or phrases, lining up objects, or having intense and narrow interests
• Sensory issues, such as being over- or under-sensitive to sounds, lights, or textures

How Can PT Help?

Children with autism also often have difficulties with motor skills, which affect their daily functioning and quality of life. For example, they may have trouble with balance, coordination, motor planning, and body control. They may also have low muscle tone, which can make them appear floppy or weak. These challenges make it hard for them to participate in physical activities like playing games or on playgrounds with peers, which are important for both their physical and mental health.

Physical therapy can help children with autism overcome these difficulties and improve their motor skills. Using individualized and structured interventions, pediatric physical therapists help children with autism learn new skills and practice them in a fun and motivating way. Physical therapy can also help children with autism develop a positive attitude toward physical activity and enjoy the benefits of exercise, such as improved mood, energy, and sleep.

Improved gross motor skills and increased physical activity can also support the development of other areas that are affected by autism, like social and emotional skills. Physical activities can provide opportunities for children with autism to interact with their peers and family, express their feelings, and follow rules and directions. Physical therapy can also help children with autism cope with sensory issues, such as hypersensitivity or hyposensitivity to touch, sound, or movement, by exposing them to different stimuli and helping them regulate their responses.

How Do I Find a Qualified PT for my Child?

If you think your child with autism may benefit from physical therapy, you should consult with your child’s pediatrician, who can refer you to a physical therapist who specializes in working with children with autism. You can also search for a physical therapist near you using the American Physical Therapy Association website.

• Research (peer-reviewed)
o Physical Activities for Children with Autism –
o Exercise for children with autism –
o Physical activity effects on sleep and executive function –
• Articles and Content
o Recognizing Autism in Healthcare –
o Autism – diagnosis and management –
Supporting people with autism 19 or under –

How Physical Therapists Help Children with Cerebral Palsy

Cerebral palsy (CP) is a group of neurological disorders. It is caused by damage to the immature, developing brain, usually before birth. CP can have a broad range of effects. People with CP may have trouble seeing, hearing, feeling, thinking, or communicating. Difficulties can range from mild to severe. CP also typically affects movement, muscle coordination, and balance. This can result in problems moving and walking, abnormal muscle tone, exaggerated reflexes, and involuntary movements. There is no cure for CP, but early treatment can help.

Physical therapy is one of the most important forms of treatment for children with CP. PT can help children improve their movement skills, stay active, and perform daily tasks. PT can also help prevent movement problems from getting worse over time and reduce physical discomfort. Let’s look at a few of the ways PT can be helpful:

Take Advantage of Neuroplasticity

Neuroplasticity is the ability of the neurons and neural networks in the brain to form new connections and change their behavior. This can help the brain to adapt or “train” other areas to take over the function that the damaged part was intended to do. Neuroplasticity is highest during the first few years of life, when the brain is still developing and forming new connections. This means that early intervention PT can have a greater impact on the brain’s ability to reorganize and learn new skills.

Early PT can help children with CP enhance neuroplasticity by providing exercises and activities that stimulate and challenge their brain and nervous system. This could involve playing with children in different positions that challenge their balance and stability, encouraging the use of affected limbs, or using different forms of sensory stimulation.

Improve Motor Skills and Function

Children with CP often have difficulty with motor skills and function due to muscle spasticity, weakness, or stiffness.

PT helps children with CP improve their motor skills and function by providing exercises and activities that target the large muscles in the arms, legs, and abdomen. For example, a physical therapist may use strength training, stretching, or balance training to improve the child’s muscle tone, range of motion, and stability. For young children, a PT might also use functional training techniques like crawling, climbing, walking, or propelling a wheelchair to improve the child’s mobility and independence.

Prevent or Delay Secondary Complications

Secondary complications are problems caused or are worsened by the primary diagnosis of CP. These can include muscle atrophy, loss of range of motion, muscle spasticity, pain, joint inflammation, and contractures. Secondary complications affect the child’s daily function, health status, and quality of life.

PT can help children with CP prevent or delay secondary complications by providing exercises and activities that maintain or improve their physical health and functioning. Examples include massage or stretching to relax and lengthen the muscles, positioning devices to improve posture, or braces, splints, or orthotics to support and align the affected joints.

Increase Quality of Life and Well-being

Movement limitations and environmental barriers can affect the self-esteem, confidence, and social relationships of children who have CP.

PT can improve the quality of life and well-being of children with CP by providing exercises and activities that are tailored to their individual needs and goals. Adaptive equipment such as wheelchairs, crutches, or bicycles can help the child access their community and enjoy recreational activities. A physical therapist will also work with the child’s family and other professionals to provide education and support for the child’s overall health and development.


Early physical therapy is a vital form of treatment for children with cerebral palsy. It can help them take advantage of neuroplasticity, improve motor skills and function, prevent or delay secondary complications, and increase their quality of life and well-being. PT can help kids with CP be as independent, comfortable, and healthy as possible.

If you are looking for an early intervention physical therapist for your child with cerebral palsy, you can visit Choose PT to find one near you.

1. Physical Therapy for Cerebral Palsy – Improving Mobility. (n.d.). Retrieved from
2. Physical Therapy for Children with CP. (n.d.). Retrieved from
3. Cerebral palsy – Diagnosis and treatment – Mayo Clinic. (n.d.). Retrieved from
4. Cerebral Palsy and Physical Therapy. (2022, April 28). Retrieved from
5. Therapy has long-lasting benefits for children with cerebral palsy. (2021, November 9). Retrieved from
6. Early Intervention for Cerebral Palsy: Examples & What to Do. (n.d.). Retrieved from
7. Morgan, C., Fetters, L., Adde, L., Badawi, N., Bancale, A., Boyd, R. N., Chorna, O., Cioni, G., Damiano, D. L., Darrah, J., de Vries, L. S., Dusing, S., Einspieler, C., Eliasson, A.-C., Ferriero, D., Fehlings, D., Forssberg, H., Gordon, A. M., Greaves, S., Guzzetta, A., … Novak, I. (2021). Early Intervention for Children Aged 0 to 2 Years With or at High Risk of Cerebral Palsy: International Clinical Practice Guideline Based on Systematic Reviews. JAMA Pediatrics, 175(8), 846–858.
8. Therapy for Cerebral Palsy | Early Intervention | (n.d.). Retrieved from
9. Early Intervention and the Importance of Early Identification of Cerebral Palsy – Physiopedia. (n.d.). Retrieved from
10. Cerebral Palsy Early Intervention. (n.d.). Retrieved from

How Physical Therapy Helps People with Parkinson’s Disease

Parkinson’s disease (PD) is a progressive neurological disorder that affects movement, balance, posture, and coordination. It can also cause non-motor symptoms such as pain, fatigue, mood changes and cognitive impairment. While there is no cure for PD, there are treatments that can help manage the symptoms and improve the quality of life of people living with PD.

Physical therapy is one of these treatments. PT can help restore or maintain physical function, mobility, and independence. Physical therapists are trained professionals who can assess, diagnose, and treat movement problems related to PD. They can also provide education, advice, and support to people with PD and their caregivers.

Benefits of Physical Therapy for People with PD

Physical therapy can help people with PD in many ways, such as:

Improving muscle strength and endurance. Both age and PD can weaken and decondition muscles. A physical therapist will prescribe exercises using light weights or resistance bands to improve strength. More strength helps with balance and mobility.

Enhancing amplitude of movement. PD can cause people to reduce the size and speed of movements. This can affect walking, speech, facial expressions, and gestures. Physical therapy can help increase the amplitude of movement by teaching overexaggerated physical movements, such as high steps and arm swings. This is a way to retrain the muscles and brain to compensate for the reduced movement that Parkinson’s can cause. The LSVT BIG program is a specific set of exercises and activities that has been shown to improve mobility and quality of life.

Reinforcing reciprocal patterns. Reciprocal movements are side-to-side and left-to-right patterns, such as swinging your arms while taking steps as you walk. PD can affect these patterns, which makes walking slow and unstable. Physical therapy can help to reinforce reciprocal patterns by using machines like a recumbent bicycle or elliptical machine. Practicing walking with arm swings is another activity that can help restore reciprocal movements. This can improve coordination, rhythm, and fluidity of movement for people with Parkinson’s. Dance and tai chi are other activities that involve reciprocal patterns.

Improving balance and posture. PD commonly impairs balance. Your brain uses a complex mix of what you see, your inner ear and sensations from your feet and joints to maintain balance. Physical therapy can help to improve balance using exercises that challenge stability, such as standing on one leg or walking on uneven surfaces. PT will also focus on specific components of the balance system by doing things like having a person close their eyes to focus on the sensations from the feet and joints. Physical therapy can also improve posture by correcting any muscle tightness or weakness that may cause stooping or learning sideways.

Increasing flexibility and range of motion. PD also often causes muscle stiffness and rigidity. Physical therapy can help increase flexibility and range of motion with stretching exercises that target specific muscles. Common areas of issue are the hip flexors, hamstrings, and calves. Stretching regularly can also help to reduce pain and spasm.

Providing education and self-management advice. Physical therapy can help people learn more about PD and how it affects their movement. A physical therapist can provide tips on how to maintain safety when exercising, how to cope with fatigue or pain, how to use assistive devices if needed, and how to prevent or manage complications such as falls or freezing.

Sounds Great. Is There Proof?

Yes. Research backs up all these claims. One meta-study (a study that combines the results of many other studies) that covered 1827 participants found that when compared to no intervention, PT significantly improved:
• gait speed
• two- and six-minute walk test scores
• Freezing of Gait questionnaire
• the Timed Up & Go test
• Functional Reach Test
• and the Berg Balance Scale

These results indicate improvements in mobility, endurance, strength, and balance. Gait speed is an especially important measurement. Physical therapists often consider gait speed a “vital sign.” This is because low gait speed has been linked to:
• declines in functional mobility
• higher rates of hospitalization
• higher fall rates
• cognitive decline
• increased disability
• and higher risk of death

A larger meta study that included 191 studies with 7998 participants found that PT significantly improved motor symptoms, gait, and quality of life. Specifically:
• Resistance and treadmill training improved gait.
• Strategy training improved balance and gait.
• Dance, Nordic walking, balance and gait training, and martial arts improved motor symptoms, balance, and gait.


Physical therapy is a valuable treatment option for people with PD, as it can help to improve or maintain their physical function, mobility, and independence. Physical therapy can also enhance their quality of life, confidence, and well-being. If you have PD or know someone who does, consult with a physical therapist who specializes in PD to see how they can help you.


(1) Physical Therapy for Parkinson’s Disease – Johns Hopkins Medicine.
(2) Physical Therapy and PD | Parkinson’s Foundation.
(3) Physical and Occupational Therapy for Parkinson’s: What to Expect.
(4) Parkinson’s Disease Treatment Physical Therapy.
(5) Physical, Occupational & Speech Therapies | Parkinson’s Foundation.
(6) Physiotherapy in Parkinson’s Disease: A Meta-Analysis of Present Treatment Modalities –
(7) Physiotherapy versus placebo or no intervention in Parkinson’s disease –

Movement is Medicine: Physical Therapy and Arthritis

May is National Arthritis Month. Arthritis may seem relatively benign – everyone knows someone who has arthritis. But here are some numbers that help put the problem of arthritis into perspective:

• Arthritis is the leading cause of disability.
• Arthritis affects 1 in 5 adults and 300,000 children
• 1/3 of working-age people with arthritis have some kind of limitation in their ability to work
• Arthritis costs $156 billion each year in medical expenses and lost wages
• Nearly 1 million hospitalizations happen each year due to arthritis

It’s a serious condition, and a serious problem. The good news is that physical therapy is one of the most effective treatments for arthritis.

The Benefits of Physical Therapy for Managing Arthritis Symptoms

Arthritis comes in 2 forms: osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis. Osteoarthritis occurs because of wear and tear on the joints over time. Rheumatoid arthritis is an inflammatory, autoimmune disease. It occurs because of the immune system attacking the joint lining. Physical therapy can reduce joint pain, improve mobility, and help to prevent further damage to the joints. Using individualized exercises, physical therapists help people manage their condition and reduce discomfort. Physical therapists often combine advice on lifestyle modifications with exercise to maximize improvement. Let’s look at the types of exercise that can help manage arthritis symptoms next.

Range of Motion Exercises

These gently move affected joints through their entire range of motion. This can help reduce stiffness and improve mobility. Examples would include things like gentle stretching, tai chi, or gentle yoga.

Aerobic Exercise

Aerobic exercise creates repeated motion, moving the synovial fluid in the joints. It also increases blood flow and releases endorphins which reduce pain. Aerobic exercise also helps to control weight. Weight loss is proven to reduce the stress on your joints, which can reduce pain. Aerobic exercise for people with arthritis should be low impact. This would include things like walking, cycling, or swimming.

Strength Training

Strength training is an important part of managing arthritis. It decreases pain, improves strength, and function. Stronger muscles around the affected joints provide better support and protection.

Aquatic Exercise

Exercising in a therapeutic pool can be a great way for people with arthritis to get started. The buoyancy of the water helps to relieve some of the body’s pressure on the joints. The water pressure also provides compression on the joints. This offers some stability and pain relief. The movement of your body through the water creates resistance for your muscles. This allows them to get stronger in a protective environment.


Besides designing a custom exercise program, a physical therapist will educate people with arthritis on lifestyle modifications to help mange their symptoms. Some suggestions might include weight loss, getting enough sleep, eating a healthy diet, and managing stress. A PT can also modify daily activities to help protect joints affected by arthritis. This can slow down or prevent progression of symptoms.

Physical therapy is a safe and effective treatment for arthritis. Current clinical guidelines for treating arthritis include strong recommendations for exercise and other physical therapy treatments. If you’re one of the 53 million Americans with arthritis, give your PT a call. They’re a great provider to help you reduce pain, manage your symptoms, and move better.


1) Research (peer-reviewed)
a) Knee osteoarthritis: key treatments and implications for physical therapy-
b) Osteoarthritis Management: Updated Guidelines from the American College of Rheumatology and Arthritis Foundation –
c) Physical therapy for patients with knee and hip osteoarthritis: supervised, active treatment is current best practice –
2) Articles and Content
a) May Is National Arthritis Awareness Month – News
b) Benefits of Exercise for Osteoarthritis | Arthritis FoundationHow Can Physical Therapy Help to Avoid Surgery? – Tucson Orthopaedic Institute

Physical Therapists Help Active People Live Better

Physical therapy has lots of benefits for active people. Athletes, performers, weekend warriors, and people who work in physically demanding jobs can all benefit from the expertise of a physical therapist. Here are 3 ways physical therapists help active people stay that way.

Injury Treatment

Active people get hurt. Physical therapists have the knowledge and skills to help people recover from injuries faster. In addition to helping people recover, physical therapists will look for the root cause of the injury and address that as well, to help keep the injury from coming back. If the injury is severe and requires surgery, a physical therapist will guide the recovery and make sure the person gets back to their activity. But in some cases, a physical therapist can help an injured person avoid surgery in the first place.

Injury Prevention

Surgery isn’t the only thing physical therapists can help people avoid. A physical therapist can also help with injury prevention too. A thorough assessment of an athlete’s strength, mobility, balance, and coordination helps to identify issues that could lead to injury. A PT can then design a program to improve the problem areas before they lead to injury. A PT can also assess an existing training plan and help to identify areas that may lead to sprains, strains, or overtraining.

Improve Performance

In addition to helping people improve areas where they’re weak, therapists can help people get better in areas of strength. A physical therapist can create a program to improve strength, flexibility, coordination, agility or speed. Physical therapists are movement experts. They can break down the requirements of a specific physical task like lifting or throwing, then design a training program that will help people meet those demands.

Physical Therapy is more than just a way to get back on your feet after an injury – it can also help you stay at the top of your game. Whether you’re an athlete, a dancer, or someone who wants to stay in shape, physical therapy can help you reach your performance goals. With the right exercises and treatments, physical therapists can help you improve strength, flexibility, and endurance so that you can perform at your best and lower your risk of injury.


1) Research (peer-reviewed)
a) What we currently do for sports –
b) Sports injury prevention –
2) Articles and Content
c) How Can Physical Therapy Help to Avoid Surgery? – Tucson Orthopaedic Institute

Have You Scheduled Your 2023 PT Exam?

Haven’t thought about having an annual PT exam? We’re biased, but we think you should. You see your optometrist and dentist regularly because your eyes and teeth are important. You get an annual physical from your family physician. You might even be getting ready to see your accountant to get your yearly taxes done.

But what about the rest of your body? Have you lost range of motion, or strength? How’s your balance and coordination? These all affect how you move. You might not notice small changes until you have problems like trouble lifting a heavy load, joint pain, or a sprained ankle from a stumble. An annual PT exam can catch problems early, then correct them before they lead to something bigger.

What to Expect

An annual PT exam is quick and easy. Your annual visit may include:
● A history of your injuries, as well as a health history
● Assessment of your strength, balance, flexibility, etc.
● A review of your movement goals (do you want to run a marathon? Get on and off the floor easily playing with your grandkids?)
● A review and update of your exercise program

How Important Is Moving Well?

There is strong evidence suggesting that movement is a valuable predictor of future health and resilience against disease. Moving well can keep you healthier and help you live longer. Here are some examples of the power of movement when it comes to predicting future health:

Gait Velocity

Gait velocity is how fast you walk. Studies have shown that if your typical walking speed is over 1 m/s or 3.3 ft/s, you’re likely able to complete typical daily activities independently. You’re also less likely to be hospitalized and less likely to have adverse events like falls.

Get On and Off the Floor

A series of studies suggest that if you can go from standing to sitting on the floor and back to standing without using your hands, you’re a lot less likely to die than someone who can’t. It’s called the sitting-rising test. You can find the instructions and examples with a quick internet search.

Notice that both gait velocity and the sitting-rising test aren’t specific to any one thing. The risk of hospitalization in the gait velocity studies was hospitalization for any reason. Death in the sitting-rising studies was death from anything. So science says that moving well is incredibly important to your overall health. It’s also important for your quality of life. We think moving well is just as important as your teeth, eyes, and taxes. If you agree, get that annual PT exam scheduled!

Why provide an annual physical therapy visit –

Physical Therapists’ Role in Prevention, Wellness, Fitness, Health Promotion, and Management of Disease and Disability –

Ability to sit and rise from the floor is closely correlated with all-cause mortality risk — ScienceDaily

Gait velocity as a single predictor of adverse events in healthy seniors aged 75 years and older – PubMed (